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About me; Andrea.

Well this is me; welcome to my page, my little world and a little insight in to what keeps me busy and happy.  I first started making nappy cakes because I aksed my best friend Hollie, what she would like as a present when her second son was due to be born.  Her answer "A nappy cake like the last one you got me".  However there was a problem; the lady I bought it from no longer made them.  Lightbulb moment!!!  My bestie said I was creative and why couldn't I make one myself?  Hmmmm could I?  You bet I could!  So, there was the beginning.  It rolled and rolled and grew and grew.  Now I make all manner of gifts for all occasions.


After creating my facebook page, Burgess Bundles of Joy, I thought why not create a website too?  I am still learning and it is still under construction so please be patient with me :-)


Please do get in touch via the conatct page on here, my facebook page or Partycloud website if you have any queries or would like a consultation.  I would really love to help you with giving that extra special and most personal of gifts to your loved ones.


Now for the soppy bit; I couldn't have done any of this without the love and encouragement of my fabulous, gorgeous husband.  My rock.  My everything.  Thank you Lee. I love you; forever more xxx


Thank you for taking the time to read this and allow me tell you a little about me. This is my world, my Lee and my Daisy Dog.

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